
How do I create and organize categories and subcategories?

This guide will walk you through the process of creating and organizing categories and subcategories on Shopaccino. Properly structured categories enhance product discovery, improve customer navigation, and boost search engine visibility. Follow the detailed steps below to set up and manage your product categories effectively.

Step-by-Step Guide

Navigate to Categories

  1. Log in to the Shopaccino Dashboard.
  2. From the left-side menu, select “Products.”
  3. From the drop-down menu, click on “Categories.”

Adding a New Category

Follow these steps to create a new category:

  1. Create a New Category
    • On the Categories page, click on the “Add Category” button located at the top-right corner of the page.
  2. Select Parent Category (Optional)
    • If you want to create a subcategory, select a Parent Category from the drop-down menu.
    • If left blank, the new category will be treated as a main category.
  3. Enter Category Name
    • Under the “Name” field, enter the category name (e.g., Men, Women, Jewelry).
    • Ensure that the name is clear and relevant to the products included in the category.
  4. Add Images

    Upload images to visually represent the category:

    • Featured Image – Displays on product listing pages.
    • Image for Mega Menu – Displays in the mega menu (if applicable).
    • Image for App Menu – Displays in the app’s menu (if applicable).
  5. Set Display Order

    Control how the category appears on your website:

    • Sort Order – Define the sequence in which categories will appear.
    • Sort By – Set the default sorting order for products within the category (e.g., price, popularity).
    • Show Subcategories/Products – Choose whether to display only subcategories, only products, or both on the category page.
    • Home Page Display – Check the box to display the category on the homepage or menu.
  6. Home Page Display Settings

    Configure how the category appears on the homepage:

    • Home Page Element – Select the section of the homepage where the category will appear.
    • Button Text – Define the text for the button that links to this category.
    • Show Menu Type – Choose the type of menu to display:
      • Flat Menu – A simple menu layout.
      • Mega Menu – A wide menu layout displaying multiple categories.
      • Mega Menu with Tabs – A mega menu format with separate tabs.
    • Menu Columns – If using a mega menu, define how many columns to display.
  7. Update SEO Details

    Optimize the category for search engines:

    1. Check the box labeled “I would like to change category page URL (SEO URL).”
    2. Click “Show Details” to open the SEO fields.
    3. Fill in the following details:
      • Meta Title – The title that appears in search engine results.
      • Meta Description – A brief description of the category for search engines.
      • Meta Keywords – Relevant keywords related to the category for improved search ranking.
    4. Save Changes

Editing an Existing Category

If you need to modify an existing category, follow these steps:

  1. Open an Existing Category
    • On the Categories page, locate the category you want to modify.
    • Click on the Name of the category to open the edit view.
  2. Update Category Details

    You can update the following details

    • Parent Category – Change or remove the parent category.
    • Name – Update the category name to reflect any changes
    • Images – Upload or replace the featured image, mega menu image, or app menu image.
    • Sort Order – Adjust the order in which the category appears.
    • Sort By – Change the default sorting order for products.
    • Show Subcategories/Products – Modify how products and subcategories are displayed.
  3. Update Home Page Display Settings
    • Change the section where the category appears on the homepage
    • Update the button text, menu type, and menu columns.
  4. Update SEO Details
    • Modify the category URL, meta title, meta description, and meta keywords as needed.
  5. Save Changes
  6. Once you've made the necessary changes, click “Save.”
  7. The updated category will reflect the changes immediately on your website.

Best Practices for Organizing Categories

  • To ensure a seamless shopping experience and improve product discoverability, it's important to follow best practices when creating and managing categories. Use clear and logical names that are simple and descriptive, making it easy for customers to understand and relate to the products. Avoid overlapping categories by ensuring that each product belongs to the most relevant category to prevent customer confusion. Keep the structure simple by limiting the number of main categories, which helps avoid clutter and makes navigation more intuitive. Regularly updating categories based on product availability and customer feedback will keep the store organized and ensure that customers can easily find what they’re looking for.
  • Example:
    Instead of creating multiple overlapping categories like "Men's Jackets," "Men's Outerwear," and "Men's Winter Clothing," you can simplify by creating a single category called "Men's Outerwear" with subcategories for jackets and winter wear. This will help customers find products more easily and

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