Add / Update / Delete Product
Categorization of products means grouping of products together having the same characteristics. It helps your customer to locate any product easily.
You can create categories as below depending on your business:
Online Jewellery stores may create categories - Bangles, Earings, Chains, Rings.
Online Women's Apparel stores may create categories - Dresses, Tops, Jeans, Pants.
Online Furnishing stores may create categories - Dining, Living, Bedroom, Kitchen, Interiors.
In this section we would cover:
Add New Category
To create a sub category for the parent category, Choose the parent category and then enter the category name in the category details. Enter the details like description etc and click on Save.
Navigate to "Categories" in the Shopaccino admin Panel.
Click on “Add Category”
In order to create a Parent category choose the Parent category as No Parent and then enter the category details. First enter the name of the category and you can provide a description if needed.
Banner images for desktop and mobile can be uploaded. The dimensions of the banner is mentioned.
Banner alt text:
Text which you want in the category landing page below the banner needs to be entered here. -
Search engines:
Meta Title:
Write the Category Title for appearing on Search Engines in maximum 70 characters.Meta Keyword:
Keywords are used for searching any product category or services on Search Engines. Use popular keywords for your product category in maximum 160 characters.Meta Description:
To attract the visitors you can describe the content of your category page in maximum 250 characters.SEO URL:
Show the way to reach product categories. Write the categories web address without any spaces. -
To make a category visible, click on visible. Hidden is chosen when you want to hide the category while making any changes in the category or don't want the category to be displayed for a short while. -
Featured Image:
Select the category image for your category through featured image. Choose standard size 640px X 640px. -
Image for Mega Menu:
If the display of your menu is in Mega Menu format , you may choose an image for the mega menu.
Display order:
To display any category on top, you can manage sort order as per your wish.Sort Order:
Determines the order in which category is listed.Sort By:
Whether you want the category page to be sorted by name, pricing(high to low or low to high) or latest.Show Subcategories/Products:
Whether we want to display subcategories only, products only or both.Click on the checkbox tick mark if you want to display categories on the homepage and want to display the category as a menu option in the Main menu.
Editing Category
To update existing categories at your store:-
1)Click on Categories in the admin panel.
2)Click on the category name which you want to edit.
3)Modify the information
4)Click on Save.
Delete Categories

- Select Categories in the Shopaccino admin panel.
Select the category which you want to be deleted.
- Click on the Delete icon and the category gets permanently deleted.
For deleting multiple categories: Multiple tick marks on the “Category Name” you want to delete and select the categories to be deleted.
Click on the “Delete Icon” and the selected categories will get deleted from the store.