Yes, you can use your own existing domain and make your website live. To set it up with Shopaccino, please contact support.
You can register one free domain (only for .com, .org, .net, .in, and .info domains), if you have made any payment for Shopaccino subscription.
You can register as many domains as you want by paying domain registration amount.
No, we are not charging any transaction fees. You are free to use your own payment gateway account from the available payment options.
Yes, we are offering 14 days free trial with every subscription plan. We believe in transparency, you can use all functions and features of software in trial period as per your selected plan.
Yes, you can use third party SSL certificate with us. Visit our knowledgebase documents for how to install third party SSL.
Yes, its free with our advanced plan. Adittionaly if you are using other subscription plan you can purchase SSL certificate from us.
Your data safety and security is our first priority. Your website is hosted on secured cloud server with firewall protection. Additionally, for safety reasons we are regularly taking backup of your data.
Find out how Shopaccino can help your business thrive.