Tell About Your Art

Tell about yourself and your unique art form from prints to paintings, sculptures to installations and beyond with your own online store. We help artists to use Shopaccino for creating an e commerce store and showcase their art worldwide.

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Tell About Your Art
Tell About Yourself

Tell About Yourself

A brief introduction about yourself will help customer to understand your skills of making product and your expertise to design and develop. You can also draw attention of customers by displaying your awards, designs and their media coverage.

With the help of your E commerce store show the uniqueness of your work to the world.

History About Art

Write a brief description about the history of your art, so that people can know the legacy of your art and know the history.

History About Art

Multiple Currencies with Multiple Payment Gateways

Multiple currency

Accept payment in customer's local currency (Euro, GBP, USD or any other). Our system will automatically recognize your user’s location based on IP address and will auto select customer’s local currency (if it available at your website).

Multiple payment gateways

All well known payment gateways are pre-integrated and you can even use your own payment gateway like (Paypal, CC Avenue, Payubiz, Paytm etc ) account to accept payments at your store with our software.

Sell globally with Shipping Options

You can define countries where you can dispatch your products or you can even select only one country for shipping where you can provide delivery.

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