Modernize Your B2B Approach
Transforming Access and Engagement

Skyrocket Your B2B Potential by Transforming Access and Engagement

Experience simplified B2B management with customer grouping and restricted access.

Categorize your customers into groups

Segment customers into groups based on industry, purchasing behavior, or location to offer targeted communications and customized offerings. Create exclusive catalogs visible only to selected groups to optimize your sales approach.

Grant customers exclusive access

Enable customers to apply for B2B accounts, granting them access to products and prices based on their account status. Manage user permissions with flexibility, providing partial or full access to products and prices to customize the shopping experience according to your B2B needs.

Dedicated Account Assistance

Enhance Client Support with Dedicated Account Assistance

With Shopaccino's Personalized Account Management feature. Assign dedicated account managers to your clients, allowing them to log in, access shopping carts, and place orders on behalf of clients. This functionality enhances customer service by providing tailored assistance and support throughout the purchasing process.

B2B Pricing Features

Conquer B2B Market with Innovative Pricing Features

Maximize your B2B sales potential with Shopaccino's unique pricing elements and foster strong customer relationships.

Custom Minimum Orders

Maintain revenue goals and facilitate smoother order processing by defining minimum total order quantities and amounts for B2B customers, as well as set minimum order quantities for individual products.

Personalized Pricing

Modify your pricing strategy and set customized B2B prices for your products, visible only after B2B customers log in. This capability allows you to offer competitive pricing tailored to your B2B clientele.

Flexible Discounts on Customer Account

Drive sales by setting percentage-based discount rates for each customer, providing flexibility in managing customer relationships and encouraging continued sales.

B2B Credit Sales Flexibility

Amplify B2B Commerce with Credit Sales Flexibility

Offer Deferred Payment ability to trusted clients to settle payments at a later date, enhancing business flexibility and facilitating smoother transactions. With this feature, enable select customers to place orders on credit, defining specific qualifications like credit limit.

Integrate Like a Boss with Shopaccino's APIs

Leverage Shopaccino's APIs and apps to automate the synchronization of your product inventory, pricing, and orders. Integrate with third-party systems and applications to ensure data consistency across platforms.

Optimize Efficiency

Reduce Manual Effort

Enhance the Performance


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