Limited Time Deals
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Create customized and exciting offers for your customers on a daily, weekly basis. Schedule Limited time deals to increase your sales and order values.


Enable Daily Deal feature to create enticing purchase offers as per the deals created by you in the application. It allows you to temporarily lower the rates on selected products to run a time-based offer for your customers. It helps you in triggering immediate purchase behavior among your potential buyers and can skyrocket your sales. 

Display the discounted price of your selected products to make your customers aware of the discounted price advantages and increase your conversion rates. Amplify your revenue by activating countdown timers on your daily offers to create a sense of urgency and drive your customers to place more orders. 

Key Highlights

  • Set up daily deals and create attractive daily offers for your customers to boost sales. 
  • Schedule offers timings to initiate a buy-now behavior among your potential buyers. 
  • Temporarily lower your prices for selected products to allow your customers to avail of discount benefits.
  • Display Daily Deals with original prices and discounted price comparisons to persuade your customers to buy more. 

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