Crossell and Upsell
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Increase your sales and order value by showcasing related products or complementing products that a customer is already interested in.


Cross-selling and Upselling App helps you sell additional products to existing customers to increase revenue and maximize profits through a distinct marketing strategy that increases the total order value of a customer. Increase your inventory movement by enticing your customers to purchase more of the products. Improve customer experience by providing them with personalized suggestions for the products they already intend to purchase. 

Cross-selling helps you to roll out the inventory of products that usually complements other products, for instance, bangles, earrings, etc. go well with different outfits. In the other case, Upselling helps you to persuade your customers to buy the higher-end version of the product that they are already interested in by showing them relevant suggestions. Both Upsell, Cross-sell strategies help you increase your sales and profitability by igniting impulsive buying behavior in your customers. 

Key Highlights

  • Set specific product recommendations as per different products that your customer is viewing.
  • Easy integration and customizable styling to match your brand. 
  • Handpick cross-sell product recommendations on a per-product basis. 
  • Increase revenue generation and AOV to increase your profits. 

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